Standards Check Training
It can be a daunting moment when the appointment for your Standards Check comes through. First Drive can help make sure this is not a stressful time. From lesson planning and selecting the right topic to demonstrate, our experience can help you.With relevant experience helping others through their Standards Check, FDSW can efficiently bring you up to speed and give you confidence for the future.
How It Works
In car training on a one to one basis
Feedback on observed lessons
Tailored, affordable & time effective training
Our aim is to help you pass the test and improve the delivery and control of the lessons you provide.
Just to say a big thank you to Will Stewart for the help and encourangement he gave me before taking my final attempt (and passing) my Standards Check.
Will introduced me to the Situational, Behaviour, Impact technique which I still use now in instructing and coaching my pupils.
I am very greatful for his kindness, listening and advising me.
Unforunately I failed my first attempt at my Standards Check and my feedback was that I should look for a trainer and discuss the results with them. Immidately I thought of Will and approached him for his help, it made complete sense.
As well as helping me with my lessons we also discussed a plan for my next SC. We looked at potential learners that I could use, subject matter and toures and came up with a plan. As a result i managed to achieve an A pass with a score of 45 out of 51.

Contact First Drive For Standards Check Training
Call Will on 07818 108 498 or use the form below.