
Positioning is among other things about communication. We have all had times when we need to communicate better and where you place your car on the road or in your lane can have a dramatic effect on to how other road users react to you.

Positioning combined with speed is a much clearer way to communicate in many situations that using a signal and the best approach is to combine all three.

Positioning is I find most crucial in a handful of areas. When stopping at the side of the road, when entering or exiting a roundabout or indeed a junction. The best way to position correctly is to make sure it is in your plan when driving, the plan for dealing with a hazard.

Positioning can also be important so as not to cause inconvenience to other road users, for example when turning right into a junction. On some roads, with a little more care, traffic is able to pass you on the inside while you wait for a gap in the oncoming traffic if you position to the right of your lane. It is entirely conceivable though that between rushing from the shops to the next important event, thinking about how you get there is not top of the list.

When looking at advanced driving or undertaking further training, it is possible to look at how positioning can give you a better view, keeping you out of harms way and by gaining a better understanding of other road users and their positioning, can make for a safer journey.